Monday, March 5, 2012

Desperate Times needs Desperate Measures

Dear Family and Friends

It has been an exciting two years since Feeders was released in 2010 and now its second edition was released this last month 2012.
Hybrid its sequel officially made it debut this year too.
Exciting but frustrating to say the least and would like your help.

Getting my book out and about has been proven very hard and very expensive, so now I'm PLEADING for your help.

Have you supported ME by BUYING either Feeders or Hybrid?
If you have, I  can't thank you enough for doing so! 
If you haven't , may i ask why not?  I need to know?

  • Is it too expensive?  Well, pricing is what helps me get royalties and pay off getting my book (story) out there to enjoy. They both easy to read, exciting, intriguing and most of all entertaining, which again can be enjoyed in the comfort of your home for under $30.00 or R300.00 (and it lasts more than a hour - it can be a returning pleasure)

If you can't purchase my books then please tell others about it, tell them to  Google my name - be surprised!!
Share on Facebook, Twitter and word of mouth - the more you share the better.

And if you received a free signed copy from me or you have borrowed my book out to someone else - YOU OWE ME A REVIEW :) BIG TIME !! v--v

You know me - I don't ask for much, but I am desperate and so using desperate measures... Hoping I can rely on you - my family and friends.

All my love and appreciation, Anita

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